We’re planning for the Ashes until told otherwise – Luke Gale

BRING ON THE AUSSIES: Luke Gale in action for England against Australia in the World Cup final of 2017. Picture: Tertius Pickard/SWpix.com/PhotosportNZ.BRING ON THE AUSSIES: Luke Gale in action for England against Australia in the World Cup final of 2017. Picture: Tertius Pickard/SWpix.com/PhotosportNZ.
BRING ON THE AUSSIES: Luke Gale in action for England against Australia in the World Cup final of 2017. Picture: Tertius Pickard/SWpix.com/PhotosportNZ.
I HAD my first chat with the new England coach, Shaun Wane, the other day.

He has been setting up video meetings with players in the performance squad, just as a ‘get-to-know-you’ type of thing.

It was meant to be me and Harry Newman, but Harry’s not the sharpest tool in the box and he couldn’t work the technology!

Either that or he slept in and missed it.

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Harry Newman. Picture: Steve Riding.Harry Newman. Picture: Steve Riding.
Harry Newman. Picture: Steve Riding.

All he had to do was log on to the app on his phone, but he didn’t manage that so it was just me.

Shaun was joking about it, saying Harry’s already in the bad books, missing his first meeting, but I think he got to speak to him one on one later.

We had our first face-to-face squad meeting cancelled because of the pandemic so it was good to chat to Shaun; he outlined what he expects from his England players and spoke about a few of his plans.

Obviously nobody knows what is going to happen later in the year and even if the Ashes will go ahead. The NRL have moved their Grand Final back three weeks to late October and the first Test is supposed to be the week after.

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England head coach Shaun Wane. Picture: PA.England head coach Shaun Wane. Picture: PA.
England head coach Shaun Wane. Picture: PA.

Also, our season will probably still be going then so I guess the Ashes must be in some doubt. But Shaun thinks it could still go ahead and obviously wants it to so we are going ahead as planned, as though we are going to play.

I think that’s the way to go about it; you can prepare for it now and, if it doesn’t happen, so be it. There’s no point thinking we aren’t going to be playing when that hasn’t been confirmed. I think that makes sense for Super League as well as the internationals.

We are into the unknown and we don’t know when we are going to be playing, but we have to prepare so we’re ready to go when the time comes.

I will say though, it will be really disappointing if the Ashes doesn’t happen.

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