Open morning at Brayton Academy, North Yorkshire

A warm welcome awaits prospective students and parents at Brayton Academy – find out more about how this school can help fulfil your child’s ambitions, giving them the qualifications and resilience to take their next steps.
“We have an innovative, differentiated and state of the art curriculum and because we believe that the traditional values of discipline and good behaviour matter ."“We have an innovative, differentiated and state of the art curriculum and because we believe that the traditional values of discipline and good behaviour matter ."
“We have an innovative, differentiated and state of the art curriculum and because we believe that the traditional values of discipline and good behaviour matter ."

Brayton Academy is an academy providing an excellent and outstanding education for its students. Not only have its students achieved results that are in the top 10 per cent of schools nationally but it has been judged an outstanding school by OFSTED.

There will be an open morning later this month, on September 24, and if your child is starting high school in 2023, now’s the perfect time to pay them a visit.

“We have an innovative, differentiated and state of the art curriculum and because we believe that the traditional values of discipline and good behaviour matter it means that all of our students learn and make a huge amount of progress,” says Principal Al Moon

Brayton Academy, in conjunction with the Rodillian Multi Academy Trust, is dedicated to providing a truly outstanding education to the communities of Brayton, Selby and the surrounding villages.

It is committed to providing a contemporary and exciting curriculum that instils resilience from the moment the children enter the academy.

Support for students

The academic curriculum is supported by the students having five lessons per week in Year 7 given over to resilience in order to support students’ study skills, learning and mental health. We also teach about being open minded and to have a growth mind set.

Mr Moon says: “This work is based on research and over the years we have been teaching students about resilience we have adapted and improved what the students do in these lessons. In Years 8 and 9 we continue this work by having applied resilience on one afternoon per week whereby students can choose to participate in an activity which promotes the ideas of resilience. These range from joining our rugby and netball academies to such things as horse riding, charity work, outdoor activities, skiing or cooking.

“We believe that students should have options to study a balanced set of subjects that includes design and technology, art and the performing arts including music and drama. We also encourage students to take part in extracurricular activities that include the performing arts and sports fixtures.

“We expect our students to have high standards in all that they do, to behave and have respect for all others. Our positive discipline system of rewards and sanctions is designed to recognise the achievements of all of our students. Too often teachers’ time is taken up by low level disruption. This is unacceptable at Brayton and our standards of behaviour are exceptional.

“With the support of Rodillian Multi Academy Trust we have the expertise to continue to provide an education that is of the highest quality for all students whatever their background or academic ability. We have high expectations of our students and we strive to give them an education that is comparable to the best.”

Find out more

Brayton Academy open morning takes place on September 24 from 9am to 1pm. It’s an opportunity for the academy to showcase its students’ outstanding achievements and for prospective pupils and parents to meet the staff. Come along on the day or contact the main reception on 01757 707731 to arrange to view the academy in action on one of its coffee mornings. You can find out more about the academy by visiting the website here.