Leeds world premiere of modern re-invention of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons – book tickets now

Jess Gillam Ensemble. Picture by Matt JollyJess Gillam Ensemble. Picture by Matt Jolly
Jess Gillam Ensemble. Picture by Matt Jolly
An exciting programme aimed at giving classical musical a wider appeal for all ages has been launched for autumn, including a world premiere in Leeds.

Yorkshire’s musical heritage goes back hundreds of years, but an exciting initiative led by Leeds International Concert Season called Sound Out Leeds, part funded by the Arts Council of England, presents four stunning concerts in venues across the city, while the Town Hall undergoes a refurbishment.

A highlight of the line-up is Four Seasons of the Caribbean. Antonio Vivaldi’s iconic The Four Seasons has been given a 21st century re-invention with four black British composers commissioned to re-examine the masterpiece, fusing together the sounds and feelings of the Caribbean population in Britain in honour of the descendants of the Windrush generation. The world premiere on Saturday, November 25 at 7.30pm at the Riley Theatre, Northern School of Contemporary Dance is followed by a further performance on Sunday, November 26, at 3pm, at the same venue.

On October 19 in the Howard Assembly Room, Opera North, Manchester Collective LAD offers something different but intriguing, where ambient drone music meets baroque masterpiece. This is a stunning collection of genres, where unheard sounds, experimentation and improvisation guarantee a one of a kind performance. Julian Wolfe’s LAD, originally written for nine bagpipes, but here played on a solo violin, meets JS Bach’s iconic Chaconne and Steve Reich’s hypnotic Electric Counterpoint.

Tickets for world premiere, plus three other brilliant autumn and winter concerts, are on sale now, but you’d better be quick. Supplied pictureTickets for world premiere, plus three other brilliant autumn and winter concerts, are on sale now, but you’d better be quick. Supplied picture
Tickets for world premiere, plus three other brilliant autumn and winter concerts, are on sale now, but you’d better be quick. Supplied picture

Manchester Collective is back again on December 6 at the same venue, once again exploring an innovative new take on an old classic. In The End of Time, you will experience the energy and turmoil of the 20th century told through music, in an assault on the senses that’s set against an astonishing historic backdrop. Olivier Messiaen wrote his Quartet for the End of Time for clarinet, violin, cello and piano while in a Nazi prisoner of war camp. It premiered under extraordinary circumstances – to an audience of about 400 prisoners and guards, outside, in the rain. Prepare to be stunned and mesmerised as the Collective give this a unique twist.

And was there ever a more fitting musical treat in the run up to Christmas than the Nutcracker Suite? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s iconic piece is part of the Jess Gillam Ensemble showcase on December 12 in the Old Woollen, Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley. The night also includes Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, West Side Story Suite and Retrograde.

This is classical music with spark and energy, and offers a winter warmer that travels across generations, bringing incredible energy from former BBC Young Musician of the Year finalist Jess and her colleagues.

Find out more and book tickets before it is too late at https://www.leedsconcertseason.co.uk/whats-on